The new locker rooms and restrooms are now open, and we encourage you to stop by the pool and check them out! We have received many positive comments, and also some suggestions on ways to make them more user friendly to everyone. We appreciate your feedback, and are aware that there are some kinks to work out in the next few weeks.
A few comments we have received concern cubbies, benches, lockers, and hooks. All of these will be put in place sometime within the next month. Once they arrive, patrons will be able to rent lockers for $1, and the cubbies will be free. We have also received feedback about the water temperature and temperature of the back hall – please know that we are looking into both of those issues. Overall, we are very pleased to open the new locker rooms and appreciate the hard work that went into making this project a reality.
We’re also continuing our Fitness Challenge tonight and next Monday night. We’ve really enjoyed our first two presentations, and look forward to these next two interactive presentations!
Monday, January 25: Public Health in Chaffee County
• “Being Healthy in Chaffee County – Let’s Count the Ways!”
Monday, February 1: Physical Health and Wellness – Physical Activity
• “Get Up, Get Moving, and Have Fun!”
These talks are FREE, and are appropriate for kids and adults. Our goal is for the entire family to embrace health and wellness, and encourage you to bring along family members of all ages, young or old.
Public Health in Chaffee County
“If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” – Mickey Mantle
There are a lot of resources in Chaffee County that are available to us, our families, and our friends that promote health and wellness in a variety of ways. Join Andrea Carlstrom from Chaffee County Public Health for an evening of family oriented activities, and a fun and engaging discussion that includes information about making and promoting healthy decisions.
Physical Health and Wellness – Physical Activity
“My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.” – Milton Berle
Participating in daily physical activity – there are so many benefits! Physical activity can add years to our life, decrease our risk of some cancers, increase our energy levels, and improve our mood. Jon Fritz from Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center will lead this discussion on physical fitness. Be prepared to have fun and to get moving in this interactive talk and presentation!
Fitness Challenge: Keep a log of your physical activity for the week prior to this discussion. Anyone who brings in their completed log will receive one free pass to the pool!